
I just spent the entire day comparing Mexican American and Native American foodways to explain how mainstream society’s adoption of each (or lack thereof) reflects larger cultural and racial biases. And I talked about Chipotle, so now I’m craving a calorie-laden misrepresentation of actual Mexican food.

Oh, to be a young academic.

That paper’s completion marks the end my two-paper-writing blitz. I am now free to move about the continent.

6 responses to “Done.

  1. I have 2essays to finish until you get here (one you’ll have to edit for me, pretty please?). Starting tomorrow. Well, it’s after midnight, so today. =)

  2. After your Mexican meal, your stomach will have its own blitzkrieg.

    Enjoy the remainder of your stay in London, but keeping blogging, it makes me feel close to you.

  3. Wooooo! Congrats girl!

  4. It’s fine if you only edit it here. The essay is due on the 26th and you arrive on the 21st. Also, Ludivine’s the one who’s gonna print it and hand it in anyway. lol

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